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What to Donate During the Holidays

What to Donate During the Holidays

This time of year often prompts individuals to give more than they would in other calendar months. Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and other December holidays get us in the giving spirit regardless of what may or may not have. With that said, you do not have to have a...
Donating After a Disaster: Where to Spend Your Money

Donating After a Disaster: Where to Spend Your Money

Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, said that the damage caused by Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma combined could be up to $200 billion. Nearly a month after Harvey devastated South Texas, many hundreds continue to live in tent cities. Then,...
Fundraising Ideas for Your Children

Fundraising Ideas for Your Children

Encouraging children to put forth charitable efforts or get involved in charitable organizations can be an extremely rewarding practice for both them, and you as a parent. Participating in fundraising in particular is a great way to promote selflessness. However, it’s...
How to Help Children Around the World

How to Help Children Around the World

For charitable people who wish to make a difference, especially in the lives of children, doing so entails countless strategies from donating money, to volunteering time and effort. However, these strategies can differ greatly when visiting foreign countries. Making a...